Отображение сетевого контента Отображение сетевого контента

The Results of the Contest of Museum Concepts Have Been Announced


It was decided to create an integrated team which will include KNRTU-KAI administration and representatives of Samrukh and Zarnitsa.

The final meeting of the expert commission was held in KNRTU-KAI on August 11 to announce the winner of the contest of concepts of the technical museum inside the Tu-144 aircraft. Earlier, on July 25, the two finalists were presented: the creative association Samrukh and the production association Zarnitsa.



Expert commission members unanimously decided to form a new integrated team which will include the administration of KNRTU-KAI, as well as representatives of Samrukh and Zarnitsa. In addition, experts from the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow will be invited.

KNRTU-KAI Rector, Prof. Albert Gilmutdinov, Assistant to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Ms. Natalia Fishman, Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan for Tourism Mr. Sergey Ivanov, Deputy Director General of the Center for the Development of Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan Ms. Alexandra Yushutina, Director of the Regional Public Foundation for the Support of Youth Initiatives of the Republic of Tatarstan "Factor of the Future" Mr. Yaroslav Muraviev, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Committee for Children and Youth Affairs, Student Council of KNRTU-KAI, took part in the meeting of the expert commission.




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Самолет Ту-144 показали Министру науки и высшего образования РФ


Министр науки и высшего образования РФ посетил сверхзвуковой пассажирский самолет Ту-144 на базе КНИТУ-КАИ.

«КАИст на белом барсе»


Студенты КНИТУ-КАИ исполнили на узнаваемый мотив песню про родной вуз и гордость отечественного самолетостроения Ту-144. ​

Эндаумент КАИ выиграл 9,9 млн руб. от Фонда президентских грантов


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Проект музея в Ту-144 презентовали членам правительства России


Проект представили зам. председателя Правительства РФ Татьяне Голиковой и министру науки и высшего образования Михаилу Котюкову.

Президент России поручил обеспечить открытие музея в самолете Ту-144


Владимир Путин поручил Минобрнауки РФ обеспечить открытие интерактивного музея техники к чемпионату мира WorldSkills в августе.

Vladimir Putin Promised to Support The Museum inside The Tu-144 SST


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The opening Of The Interactive Museum Based On Tu-144 Is Postponed


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"Clear for Takeoff!" Unique Footage of Tu-144’s Maiden Flight in 1968


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